Monkey-patching the ESRI JSAPI to mock services

Intercepting functions through monkey-patching to mock server calls…


Group by query in a file geodatabase

How to simulate a SQL group by query in a file geodatabase…


ESRI Javascript API 4 with Angular 2 - Transition to Webpack

Project setup, unit tests setup, and playing around with Angular 2, ESRI JSAPI 4.0 and Typescript Part 2 - Transition to Webpack…


FeatureClass from JSON

How to create a FeatureSet/FeatureClass from JSON (in memory)…


Fun with Python Sets (and arcpy)

Simple example of using a Python set with DeleteField…


ESRI Javascript API 4 with Angular 2 and Typescript

Project setup, unit tests setup, and playing around with Angular 2, ESRI JSAPI 4.0 and Typescript…


arcpy: Efficient Geometry Creation

A few tricks to optimize creating a large number of geometries…


Feature Service applyEdits on Multiple Layers

Javascript wrapper for applying edits to multiple layers on a feature service in single request to FeatureService REST API endpoint…


arcpy.Project in_memory Featureclass

Useful workaround for projecting a feature class in_memory using arcpy…


Debugging Server Object Extensions (SOEs) in Style

Utilize Python, requests, and the ArcGIS Server Admin REST API to make SOE debugging easier…
